Today, companies, and in particular automobile dealerships, have to deal more and more with computer security
problems. This is, for example, the case of malicious programs, power outages or fraudulent emails. To
fight against this phenomenon and counter these different risks, it is necessary to set up a computer
security charter in your car dealership.
What should this document contain?
Rest assured, the installation of a computer security charter in your dealership is not intended to spy on
your employees or restrict their access to the Internet. It aims to protect them against possible threats but also to secure sensitive data contained within your company. Of course, the content of the computer security charter will not be the same for each company. It will depend on the needs of this one as well
as its structure.
Set goals
First of all, you have to take stock of the different elements stored internally and define which
ones should be protected. For each file, you will need to establish a level of protection. Indeed, some will be more sensitive than others and will require greater security. -
Identify the necessary means
To meet these objectives, you must then determine the means by respecting, of course, the budget that
you have set. It can be the installation of a firewall, a VPN or even backup servers. Internet access control can also be a solution to minimize risks. Of course, it will be difficult for you to prevent your staff from going to the Internet. However, you can set up a filtering policy
to block access to certain websites. -
Define the roles and responsibilities of each
This can be done by setting up the training of your staff in computer security. In this case, it will
be advisable to inform your employees of all the good practices to be implemented to face the possible threats. The goal is to sensitize and empower them by communicating the potential consequences
incurred by a company in case of the vulnerability of its information system.In addition, you will need to designate an information systems security officer (CISO) within your
employees. This person will be in charge of ensuring the implementation of the computer security charter in your dealership. It will also have to update it when necessary to maintain an optimal
level of security.
And also, find our article: « 5 tips to protect yourself from ransomware »
Thomas, Editor at CityPassenger